Volby zápisu

Competition law and liberalization of network-industries in Europe, 2021/22

 The course ends with a written exam, students can (instead of sitting the exam) make a 15 minutes presentation on one of the topics below (bold/italics) during the classes. 

For any questions, please contact either Petra or Rita: pipkova@prf.cuni.cz or siksimon@prf.cuni.cz

Room: 401, Tuesdays 12:00-13:30


1) 12.10.2021 Regulation in network sectors (Dr. iur Rita Simon LL.M, BA)

Regulatory goals and regulatory tools (access control, network regulation, price regulation)


2) 19.10. Competition law (in network sectors) 1 (JUDr. Petra Pipkova, Ph.D., LL.M.eur)

Introduction to competition law issues in network sectors, the addressees of the competition rules

·       When do markets tip? The two faces of network effects and competition

·       Contestability of a network sector market: Can I challenge the monopolist?


3) 26.10 Competition law (in network sectors) 2 (JUDr. Petra Pipkova, Ph.D., LL.M.eur) Competition law in network sectors: defining the relevant market, anti-competitive practices with focus on dominant position

·       SSNIPpets of the relevant markets: the downsides of the SSNIP test in network sectors

·       Can I measure dominance or how do I determine it?


4) 2.11 Telecommunications and Competition Law (Goran Serdarevic, Associate Director, Frontier Economics)


5) 9.11 Regulation and liberalization of the telecommunications market (Dr. iur Rita Simon LL.M, BA) Market liberalization, regulatory objectives, regulatory instruments (access control, network regulation, price regulation)

Which different market we can define in the Tel. Sector? The role of technological development

·       Why are crucial network access, interconnection etc? The dangers of false price regulation

6) 16.11 děkanský den

7) 23.11 Market Regulation - Post Office (JUDr. Štěpán Svoboda, LL.M, European Commission (DG COMP) Liberalized postal services market - Will the public service survive? 



8) 30.11 Liberalization and regulation of the energy sector (Mgr. David Vosol, M.B.A. - bpv BRAUN PARTNERS) Liberalization and regulation, price regulation


9) 7.12 Energy and Competition Law (JUDr. Petra Pipkova, Ph.D., LL.M.eur)

Market liberalization, relevant markets, refusal to supply

·       Gas is always Gas? And electricity? How do I determine the relevant market in energy sectors

·       Strategic underinvestment and other types of constructive refusal to supply


10) 14.12 Market Regulation – Rail transport (Dr. Rita Sik-Simon LL.M, BA)

Regulatory goals and liberalization (access control, network regulation, price regulation)

·       Development of the rail markets in Europe, different market sectors, regulatory issues  

·       Czech Rail market – Opening the market, practices of the former monopolist, role of the regulator


11) 21.12 Rail transport and Competition Law (JUDr. Petra Pipkova, Ph.D., LL.M.eur)

Market liberalization, relevant markets, predation and discrimination

·       Point of Origin / Point of Destination: How do I determine relevant markets in transport sectors?

·       I paid too little for the ticket, that’s not fair: the perfidy of predatory pricing


12) 11.1.2022 Written Exam






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